In short, I love to be creative, and tend to spread my energy over a large area. Over the years I've moved from drawing with pencils, to drawing digitally, developing games for mobile phones, and hand crafting different things. Read more
Below you can catch up with the most recent updates.
Thank you for visiting!
Another year went by and january is already gone (well almost).
A while ago I decided to leave Instagram and move to Cara instead. So from now on I will be posting new work there. I will not delete my Instagram account but I'll leave it as it is.
I'm currently working on the next detailed drawing for World Of Solitaire, and hopefully I'll finish it soon.
This site is in serious need of a new design. It will not get one soon though since I need to prioritise. I hope you'll bear with me.
I uploaded the latest drawing in the gallery (timelapse video can be found on my YouTube channel), removed some of the many links to other platforms and adjusted some of the information about my adventuregame project "A Long Story Short".
Earlier this year I chose to delete my gallery at DeviantArt and move to a different platform - This was due to the new A.I. wave that came in and flodded DeviantArt with crap. Suddently everyone is an artist. Or so they think. The difference is they can upload 200 images per day. It is impossible to keep up with that. The other issue is the high quality crispy detailed work they spit out that everyone loves so much that they clap and praise this person to the moon and back.
Not seeing the beautiful work is so full of weird errors like a person with 8 fingers or lines that blend together in a weird way. Also there's no deeper meaning with the errors because there's no soul behind the work. I could go on but you get the point.
If you're reading this - Hi! I'm happy someone does. I hope you're doing alright in this messed up world.
I love watching timelapses of other artists creating their digital artworks, and lately I've been interested in giving it a go myself. I found a recording software that didn't create weird lagging, but allows me to paint smoothly while recording.
And so I've made a YouTube Channel. For now it's solely for timelapse videos of the detailed digital illustrations I create. I hope you'll drop by and check it out! :D
I recently finished another commissioned image for . It's in the gallery now. Some of the process have been recorded and I'm thinking about getting a YouTube channel to post them on. I plan to record the process from start to finish on the next image I make.
Happy New Year folks! I hope you're doing alright despite what's going on in the world. It's crazy times indeed.
I thought I'd better post something (the yearly update haha) to let you know everything is OK here. I'm spending most of my time on my business, and making personal art is still... not on the top of my todo list.
Also, if I do get some time on my hands to be creative, I would dedicate it to working on my adventure game project. That is my intention at least.
I'm on Discord, so if you want to pop in and say hi sometime, feel free to do so. You can find my Discord nick by clicking the little Discord icon above. The link doesn't go anywhere when you click it, but you can find my Discord nick in the address bar.
Last - I'm aware that the lighbox viewing of my art is not working anymore, but I haven't got the time to fix it. The whole site needs an update. :-)